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About Me

Hey! My name is Karl Robertsson. I’m a first-year student at Emory University studying economics, sociology, business, writing, math, and other subjects, trying to decide on a major. Prior to coming to Emory, I went to high school in Hong Kong. In fact, I spent my entire life growing up in Hong Kong before moving to the US for college. I studied in a local primary school and can speak Mandarin and Cantonese. I also speak Swedish.


Having grown up in a multicultural family with an American mother and Swedish father, I benefit from all the traditions and influences I’ve experienced from those cultures. Having been born and raised in Hong Kong, I view Hong Kong and China as a big part of my identity as well.   


With Hong Kong being such an important part of my life, I’m very interested in learning about social issues facing Hong Kong society. That’s why I started this blog. Specifically, I follow issues such as poverty, inequality, unaffordable housing, worker rights, mental health among teens, and education reform. I’m impressed by people who dedicate a significant part of their lives to helping others in these areas. In my small way, I’d like to address these issues as well. 


I am also writing this blog to highlight some of the areas I’ve been thinking about such as space and renewable energy. I love having the freedom to write what I’m interested in and what I believe in. It's not only a great way to crystallize my thoughts on topics, but also to record some of what's happening in my life. 


In addition to knowing my background and where I grew up, there are three important things you might want to know about me: I am community driven, slightly obsessed with Lord of the Rings, and addicted to rugby. I hope you stop by to follow me on my journey from growing up in Hong Kong and moving to Georgia. I hope you agree with me that, “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” — Galadriel.

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